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VISAKAM is the sister concern of Iruttu Kadai and both the companies are taken care of by the same admin.Iruttu Kadai Halwa Prepared by wheat milk and pure ghee in a traditional way.There is no machine used to squeeze the milk from wheat and ghee also brought from local farmers.You can see the crispy coating on the halwa on next day which we can not see on other types of halwa.This gives a different taste to this Iruttu Kadai halwa.


The Tirunelveli Iruttukadai Halwa is available in 1kg and half kg packages. To get the instant trail taste, we can also buy “leaf Halwa” from them for just INR 10, the delicious small quantity halwa rolled with a banana leaf. The mouth melting Iruttu Kadai Halwa prepared bywheat milk and pure ghee in a traditional way.



The Tirunelveli Iruttukadai Halwa was established by a Rajasthan family about a century ago and still it is run by their own family. This shop doesn’t carry any name board or branding outside their shop. But still they are world popular for their mouth melting high-quality taste.




The Pride of Tirunelveli  


Visakam Sweets

Delicious Sweets

Avaiable At Store

Visakam Sweets

Made Right. Make Delicious. Made Especially For You.

Visakam Premium Ghee Halwa contains:
✅ No oil.
✅ No Added Gluten.
✅ No preservatives.
✅ No added colors.
✅ No artificial taste enhancers.

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As well known and we are very busy all days advice you. advice you to call us of before arriving, so we can guarantee your seat.

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